Message From The Universe For You
You don’t have to surrender your dreams, just surrender only one thing that you never have “Control”. Accept that you can’t control people and situations around you. Accept that you can’t control the emotions within you. Surrender this feeling of trying to control everything. And when you surrender your control, you truly become free from within.
Change from trying to control things and feelings into your own transformation. When you accept that you can’t control, you open your soul to a transformation of your own. That’s when the journey goes both inward and outward.
The key is constructive action, devote your time and emotions happily for your dreams and joyful experience. When you do it, your mind, body, and soul start beaming with the divine happiness. This divine happiness will attract people and situations full of pure joy and magnificent success. You need to do this transformation of yourself with Constructive Action.
Be in pure joy, enjoy the feelings of love, accept your present moment and the person who you are. You may be a strong or a weak person, accept that and start your transformation. That’s your key to complete bliss. Rest all will fall into place.
Trust the Universe and Trust Yourself. Everything you want is already yours.
Remember I am telling you again “You don’t have to surrender your Dreams”.
The Universe
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