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How To Meditate As A Beginner & How Meditation Can Change Your Life – A Success Story


Meditation one of the most powerful self-transformation tool that is existing from the beginning of time. We have seen all the spiritual masters talked about meditation, all the realized soul who walked on earth have experienced enlightenment in a meditative state. And not just that but Meditation has become the most potent tool for successful business tycoons, world-class athletes, actors, innovators, scientists, martial artist and corporate executives in this modern world.

Meditation is no more just a tool of spiritual realization for spiritual people, it has become one of the most powerful transformation processes to achieve more from life including peace, love, success, happiness, and abundance for everyone.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is emptying yourself to let the Universe come into you. It is clearing your mind of unnecessary thoughts and come to a calm state where nothing else seems important than being in the present. You surrender yourself to the Universe and let the Universe speak to you through all new ideas, thoughts, solutions, revelation, etc.

It is the process with which you get to know yourself truly, who you actually are from inside than mere this body, status, caste, creed, gender, occupation, etc.

Meditation is a practice of not letting your thoughts control you, instead you controlling your thoughts and thus actions.

Why Do We Need To Meditate?

All our issues mentally, emotionally, physically, psychologically are results of our external factors. All these factors cause anxiety, stress, depression, health issues, lack of concentration, sleeplessness, pessimism, lack of self-confidence, fear of loss, relationship issues with friends and family, etc.

heal your heart meditation program

When we understand that what issues are going inside us are results of these external factors and they are controlling us we can learn to create a balance and take ownership of what is going in our lives.

Meditation is one such tool that helps you heal your mind, body, and soul. You can make it an important part of your life and see how magically your life will transform.

Meditation benefits are numerous, some are reduced stress, anxiety, emotional imbalance, improved mood, concentration, increased productivity, creativity, reduced urge to smoke, drink or drugs, it slows the aging process, improves memory, healing self and others physically & emotionally, lowers blood pressure, reduces heart attack risks, boosts immune system, increases self-acceptance, patience, helps relationship satisfaction, etc.

How To Meditate As A Beginner

#1 First of all choose a fixed calm place where you can meditate every day, where there are no distractions and which soothes your mood. You can build up the environment by lighting candles, scents, flowers, etc if indoor. If you choose to meditate outdoors it is great.

#2 Choose the same time along with the place to make it a habit and it helps your mind to calm easily. Also, it becomes a part of your daily routine if you continue for at least 21 days and it will become a lifestyle in 90 days.

#3 Posture is important, you need to close your eyes and try sitting with your back straight it helps you elevate the energy in your body from your lower chakras to the consciousness. Take support initially if you are not feeling comfortable and then develop. Also, you may sit on a chair with feet touching the ground if not able to sit properly on the ground or floor.

#4 Start with focusing on your breathing, inhale deeply from nose till belly and exhale slowly. It is natural to get thoughts initially and when your mind wanders and thinks about something acknowledge them as mere thoughts and bring back your focus to your breathing.

#5 Try to sit for at least ten to fifteen minutes every day and do not give up. Most people do not get it because they give up. You need to be consistent; in a week you will start liking it and then you can develop it slowly to higher levels. It will help you connect with divine energy and divine guidance for achieving your dreams, goals, and desires.

#6 You may use basic mantras and mudras while meditating for health and other benefits after you have learned how to sit quietly and when the number of thoughts would reduce in your mind while you sit for meditation.

#7  You will be learning more about deeper level meditations in this journey with us, we will be sharing all the tools and techniques and how you can apply them in the law of attraction. Also, experiencing mind body soul connection and connecting with divine energy.

Heal Your Heart Meditation Program

How To use Meditation In the Law of Attraction Manifestation?

Yes, you can use Meditation as a tool for practicing the law of attraction. As meditation helps you control your thoughts you can use it to your advantage. You can stop your negative self-talk and negative thoughts from coming if you keep practicing meditation it helps you become mindful and being in the present.

As you know your self-talk is the direct conversation with the universe, it listens to each of your thoughts negative or positive and your dominant thought patterns are brought into reality.

When you learn to control your thoughts, deliberately think good thoughts and feelings for what you want to manifest. It speeds up your manifestations and your law of attraction practices are way more effective.

You can even use meditation to clear all the negativities that have been build up since your childhood and due to past negative experiences. You can use it to forgive yourself and others to remove all the bitterness from the heart, which can help you make new beliefs in your subconscious mind. This is because meditation lets you connect your conscious mind to the subconscious.

You may learn more about healing and manifestations in our Heal Your Heart Meditation program.

Positive Transformation Through the Law of Attraction Meditation – Success Story

We want you to read this amazing story of our awesome tribe member who changed her negativities to positivity, got over her insecurities, lack of self-confidence and manifested her dream job and good relationships in her life.

Nidhi’s Story In Her Words:

Hello Awesome AJ, 

I want to thank you from the core of the heart for the beautiful journey I had in your “Heal Your Heart Guided Meditation” program. These 21 days of journey Changed my entire life. It Changed my vision and my thought process from being negative to positive.

There was a time when I was surrounded with all negativity, insecurity, less communication with my family, left job and loss of self-confidence. I was scrolling on YouTube for some life-related things and it happened to be you.

The first video of yours which I saw was about the universe sign in number form. I realized that every other day I see all these numbers like 1111, 222, etc. but I was so lost in my negative self that I didn’t focus on that.

Then I came across a few manifestation technique videos and about being positive. Maybe it was universe sign for me, I started practicing all these.

Then I joined your guided meditation program on the 10th of Nov, 2018. It’s been one month, but I can tell you the difference. My overall personality has changed. I healed my relationship with my family and my professional life too.

As you say like attract likes, I started loving myself and I believe in self. I am seeing everyone loves me now. Things that I felt impossible earlier, is so easier for me. I achieved my dream job even. I am a junior scientist. I am grateful to the Universe. Every day I learn new and positive things from you.

Life is so beautiful and magical, only we have to see the beauty and be grateful for what we have. Now I am a Magnet of Manifestation and happiness which is the key to success. I am achieving my all goals, dreams, and desires. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much AJ. 

Lots of gratitude 

Awesome tribe,


We congratulate Nidhi for her manifestations and wish all other awesome tribe members to manifest their dreams and desires & share their success stories with us.

Now you got a clear idea of how powerful meditation can be and how magically it can change your life the way Nidhi’s life has changed over the course of just 21 Days.

If you have been carrying too much pain and negativities within or struggling to do meditation by yourself then the best thing you can do is start with our 21 Days Guided Meditation Program – HEAL YOUR HEART MEDITATION JOURNEY.

This 21 Days program will help you in two major ways with many other benefits:

1. You will build the habit of meditation on a daily basis

2. It will clear your mind and heart from all the pain, suffering and negativity to elevate you into a state of happiness, peace, and joy.

Love & Gratitude,

Awesome AJ

Stay Motivated, Stay Awesome!

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