When you get stuck at one point of life, what should you do?
You want to move ahead, but you are not able to. Are you stuck up in the traffic of life?
Are you going to “Give Up” or do something else ahead? Here is your answer.
Many a time you get the feeling of getting stuck in life may it be in a bad job or poor relationship or health crisis, you hit steadiness, no movement of dreams, no sign from The Universe, no blessing from God.
When this happens, you ask yourself why this is happening. Then you ask yourself “I am doing hard work, I am practicing Law of Attraction, Secret, Gratitude, Lord Worship and everything but why nothing is working”.Then you keep asking why? Why? Why? You start thinking of Giving Up.
If this happens to you often then realize that you are only Stuck Up in a Traffic of Life, nothing else. Wait for some time, stay calm, have patience and let the Light of Life turns Green.
On The Road of Life
Think of this, on the road many times we get stuck-up in traffic with so many vehicles and people all around us, at the time there are certain bypass and narrow escape that take us through an alternate road and we escape. When this happened we said to ourselves “Oh how lucky I am, finally, I took my escape from it” and that happens in life too.
In certain instances, you get so stuck up that you don’t have any other option, no alternative, no going back, no other roads. You are left with the only option of waiting to get it clear and that’s what life throws at you many times.
In that traffic many people get impatience, irritated and angry, but very few stay calm, express gratitude to God and wait for the lights to turn green as they are the few, who knows no matter how long it takes, once it gets clear the road will be empty and they drive their vehicle with happiness to destination.
When we meet the same situation of life, many of us want to Give Up, but think of it from the road traffic view, no matter how much time it takes “did you ever left your bike or car on that road and went back” maybe you think of it but you never really do it, right?
So when you get stuck up in life, you need not give up and leave your vehicle too, because on this road of life “Your Gratitude”, “Your Motivation”, “Your Law of Attraction” and “Your Dreams” are your Vehicle for realizing your dreams.
Friends, if you are stuck-up in the traffic of life now, just believe it as the waiting time God is giving you, nothing more.
As God and the Universe know what’s there for the 20 miles ahead on the road for you, as the Universe is more intelligent than you and it knows much better what the best time is for you.
So keep your engine on, fuel your vehicle with Gratitude, Patience, Calmness and ready to move fast on the Road of your dreams as soon as it gets cleared.
Actions Points of Being Awesome:
- Stay calm and have patience for your dreams, on the Road of Life; the Green Light always happens at the right time
- “Attitude of Gratitude” is the best signal to keep the Green Light always on
- Have faith in The Universe and God, they are the one who created your path and they shall take you to destination – no matter what
Awesome AJ
Stay Motivated, Stay Awesome
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