Message From The Universe For You
Most people try to find proof of everything scientifically. When they try to gauge everything as scientifically proved or not, they misunderstood science like a religion.
Often it happened that most people try to find the existence of the Universal Law of Attraction. While the Universal Law’s existence can be realized various scientific theories, the key is the mindset of the person which is to keep questioning the existence with different theories rather than try to understand their own experiences and in their own life.
The vastness of me, the Universe, has everything in it, science, spirituality and you. You are the Universe in yourself. Rather than asking the answer on the outside, find the answer in your own vastness.
The Law of Attraction Secret
The possibilities in the Universe are unlimited and your abilities are infinite.
If you want to see the law of attraction works or not for you, try it yourself.
But, don’t say it’s not working if you don’t get a positive result.
Law of attraction isn’t about positivity or negativity, it’s about working all the time.
The moment you understand why something negative is happening in your life, then you may understand the universal law better.
The moment you get ready to understand it, in spite of the outcome you find its existence.
As you find its existence, then you can use it positively for your magnificent life.
In all great knowledge, the understanding of it in every circumstance is a must. To earn the wisdom its application in the right direction is a must.
Rather than finding the existence of this law in the theories of science, make your life the laboratory of attraction.
Ask yourself what you achieved and what you have lost. See when you had the winning edge and when you made a failed attempt.
The moment you understand that both your success and failure governed by this law without any bias, you discover the true existence of this law.
Ask yourself, introspect into your past and see why something happened in a certain way.
Ask yourself what you were giving, how you were acting and what was governing your progress.
Law of attraction works on the simple rule of “You are getting, what you are giving”.
Whatever thought, feelings and emotions you give the same result you get.
If you are happy, confident, grateful, excited, expect to be a winner, passionate about giving your best then all the success comes to you.
If you are fearful, nervous, jealous, angry, hopeless, expecting to fail then you meant to fail.
The moment you start looking at your past and ask yourself why things happened the way they had, then you get all the answers, then you don’t need any scientific theory to understand the existence of the Universal Law of Attraction.
That’s when everything gets crystal clear. That’s when you take responsibility for everything in life. That’s when you realize that you are the master of your fate and captain of your soul.
Remember the law of attraction is not about positive outcomes only, it’s about getting what you are giving in terms of your thought, feelings, and frequency.
The point is “what you are giving?”.
The Universe
The above message from the Universe is something the Universe wanted me to share with you. This is the law of attraction secret. Give everything positive and magical in the Universe and receive it back with happiness and positivity.
Quick Activity: Write “I am giving only positive energy in the Universe and I am receiving only Positive things back in my life” in the comment.
Love & Gratitude,
Awesome AJ
Law of Attraction Coach & Motivational Speaker
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