Are you unstoppable?
Are you ready to live your dreams?
Are you going from dreams to dreams and making them true?
Something is stopping you; someone is telling you that you don’t deserve it. If this something or someone is outside you, then either ignore their negative advice or tell them in the face that you are going to make it true.
While most dreamers on the journey of their dreams listen to this advice and forget that there is something bigger to care about,
The real obstacle is not usually outside, but it is always inside you.
When someone outside tells you it’s not possible, it’s because somehow deep within you keep doubting yourself. The doubt that you have within reflects outside in other people’s voices.
Rather than resisting other people’s voices, listen to the inner turmoil.
What’s happening inside you is more important than what’s happening outside.
If you are in the game of winning your dreams, learn to win.
So what is stopping you, what is keeping you in the same place, and what is making you undeserving?
It’s your Fear.
Yes, your fear is fear of failure, fear of losing people and money, fear of being hopeless and broken, fear of being left behind, fear of not being able to become who you truly want to be, and fear of being laughed at.
While fear has so many faces, all have only one origin: “the fear of failure.” Everything starts from here.
But the funny part is that this fear started making room inside your mind and soul from the moment you started dreaming.
How does something like this happen? You started dreaming of living big, but this fear started making its home inside you to make you fail.
This is not good; this is not at all acceptable.
First understand that “Fear is just an illusion”. It has no physical existence and it has no power until you feed it with your constant attention.
This fear has started taking shape within you because you haven’t done things right in life, you have left things half-done, you did things half-heartedly, and you aren’t living passionately. That’s why this fear has become your content companion.
Those people who live their life passionately, fear seldom find a room in their heart.
So, what are you going to do now?
You have big dreams in your eyes, but the fear of not making them true has become so big that you are getting depressed and nervous, and even many of you are giving up.
At times, this fear becomes so strong that you may find that your sole purpose in life is collapsing. The dream that you wanted to live for years and make your life worthy of living is not coming true.
Is this happening to you?
If it is happening to you, then tell the fearful voice within you that “enough is enough” and get ready—not to fight with fear but to start removing it from its root.
If you are living with this fear, understand that you have built a habit of failing, and this habit was built by procrastination, impatience, and inaction.
The best way to win over this fear is to build “a habit of success.” Yes, where success lives, fear has no place left.
Resolve today that you will start doing small things wholeheartedly and achieve them. Make a habit of success and see your fear dying within you.
FEAR is just an illusion. Remove it from your consciousness by ACTION. Start doing something you love on daily basis. Do not think too much about your big goals all day long to get stressed, start thinking about small events and give your best to achieve success in them. When you build this habit of success in everyday life, the fear will be gone.
The Universe
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