We as human beings have infinite powers to achieve impossible goals. So time and again we use many tools and techniques to achieve our goals and succeed in life. And in this series to learn powerful Law of Attraction tools, we will take one more step forward in that direction. Previously we learned about Meditation on Day #7 and Day #8, and Affirmation on Day #9.

Today, on Day #10, we will learn about one more powerful Law of Attraction tool: VISUALISATION.

Visualisation is creating clear mental images of the outcome you want to achieve. This is like seeing the result in your mind before you actually achieve it. Many people confuse visualisation with daydreaming. You must make a note that it is clearly not daydreaming.

Visualisation is a very powerful mental tool for your goal achievement. Many highly successful people use visualisation to achieve their personal and professional goals. Muhammad Ali, Jim Carrey, Tiger Woods, Will Smith, etc, are just a few names to mention. These guys have visualised their success years before they actually achieved it. The internet is full of such success stories.

In this website, we have published many success stories of our Awesome Tribe Members who achieved their goals using the power of visualisation.

How To Visualise Correctly

Visualisation is used in all manifestations process. Though everyone is aware of this, however, most of you don’t know how to Visualise Correctly. Therefore, you must learn to visualise so that you can achieve your desires.

In this video learn the step by step process to Visualise the most effective way. This has been helping our Awesome Tribe members to manifest successfully. This is a MUST WATCH video to learn about the visualisation technique.

One thing you must understand that visualisation is the most powerful tool of Law of Attraction but it is not easy for everyone. The key to successful visualisation lies in practice. Daily practice and practice. And with regular practice only you can master this tool.

Many people say that they are not good at visualisation. In that case, you have two options. Either you practice it a lot or you try other Law of Attraction tools for manifestation. Although this is a powerful tool, it is not the only tool of manifestation.

With this note, we will proceed with today’s activities.


Do this Powerful Meditation first thing in the morning and again in the evening or at night before going to sleep. Click HERE: Meditation for inner strength to access the meditation video.


Watch this Awesome Affirmation video. You can also use this video to visualise your success in all areas of life.

The other option is, you may use the Affirmation Video of yesterday to raise your vibration every morning and start a Happy and Joyful day.


Listen to this Mantra while long meditation or just keep it playing while working so that the vibration of the mantra creates more positive energies around you. You can also tune in to this mantra while sleeping.

You may also tune into the SANJIVANI MANTRA Video given on Day #8. You can also play this just after the MAHA MRITYUNJAYA MANTRA.

At this challenging time listening to this mantra will greatly help you and your family stay strong, positive, safe and healthy.

The SUCCESS STORY of the Day

Starting from today we will share one powerful success story with you. It will help you to strengthen your belief in your dreams, Law of Attraction and the Universe.

Dream Job Manifestation Story. In this interesting and inspiring story,  GP not only practices gratitude and visualization with unshakable faith, but he also mentioned the procedure of what he followed for 2 months before manifesting his dream job.

Click here to read this story.

Here are two more posts on Visualisation Success Stories.

Follow me on Instagram for more positive posts and vibration on a daily basis.

Start practicing Visualisation for your success. Stay positive and stay strong.

Love and Gratitude,

Awesome AJ – Ajaya Mishra

Stay Motivated, Stay Awesome!

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