In life’s game, there are no losers, there are only winners. Often many people find themselves losing a competition to others and perceive self as a loser while others as the winner. They even do the reverse, they see themselves as the winner perceive others as losers. But that’s not what the Universe has made you for. The Universe has created everyone as a winner. Because there is absolutely no competition because there is an absolute abundance. Yes, absolute abundance.
When you realize your 100% of gifted potential, you become the winner. But when you don’t believe in your potential and joy of living, you often find sadness, that’s when you become critical of yourself and made yourself a loser.
Don’t think about the competition, don’t think about others, because there is no other you, there is only You. Everyone is unique and everyone is on the adventure of being the greatest. So if others are in the same game, if others following the same goal then bless them, bless them to become their best. And you focus on your own magnificence.
Your goal is to reach the peak of your ability and that comes by believing, faith, visualization, and affirmative action. See yourself being there, again and again, put your time into action, practice like there is nothing else exist other than realizing your dream. When you believe and manifest your dreams, you become an example for others. You become an example not because you have become a winner by eliminating others, but by knowing that your own potential is far more unique than anything else. That’s when you inspire others to throw away their fear of competition and start living in their fortune. That’s when you know what’s the perfect alignment with the Universe is.
And it’s all start when you throw away your fear of competition and start living your fortune.
There is absolutely no competition in this Universe, there is only abundance for everyone.
The Universe
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Beautiful post, AJ Bhaiya. Why should we compete with others and feel insecure when everyone can win in their own journeys? Awesome message, so simply put. Thank you so much, keep inspiring :)
Loads of Gratitude and I am happy that you magically understood this.
Hi AJ, it’s long time since I’ve got online. Such a lovely message you’ve put across through this post. I loved this – “if others are in the same game, if others following the same goal then bless them, bless them to become their best. And you focus on your own magnificence.” This explains just everything.
I am very excited to join your magical practice very soon. Many thanks for doing what you’re already. God bless you :)
Mancy ..super super happy that you found your way to the blog again and glad you got your dose of inspiration. Time to fly in the sky. More success and happiness to you. Thank You.