Thank You 2015 - A Review Guide You Must Use

Thank You 2015 – A Review Guide You Must Use

review guide for 2015

2015 has come to an end, but this is not an end but a New Beginning. Because we are ready to take a new adventure in the new year 2016.

I am immensely grateful to you for being with me through this year 2015, by reading my blog, joining my programs, participating in my workshops and staying connected with social media. This 2015 is the most phenomenal year so far in my life, and I believe 2016 will go even higher and higher.

I believe you have experienced the same in 2015.

But no matter what, I want you to take some time today and look back in 2015. Take a deep dive and find all your moments of victories for all the success you have achieved. Also, learn the lessons from all the failure you have faced.

Take pride in every achievement you have made.

Feel pumped up for every goal you have accomplished.

Enjoy the blissful feeling of every moment of happiness you have earned.

At the same time …..

Do not feel sad for your losses.

Do not regret any wrong decision you have taken.

And don’t get disheartened by every failure you have faced.

Always remember there are NO BAD YEARS in your life and 2015 certainly a great one.

Time for you to unleash the warrior spirit within your soul and get ready to thrive high in 2016. It’s time for you to feel blissful with more and more moments of Joy and Happiness.

But before starting your 2016 journey, you should review this 2015 to find your moments of victory.

So here is a guide to review the Year 2015: Take your journal and as you read this post note down your success, achievements, and learning.

2015 Review Guide:

To help you, I am guiding you through Eight Key Areas to find your success.

What did you achieve in 2015?

Note as many successes of victories you have in each area.

1. Career / Business

Example: New Job / Promotion / Self-Employed / Business Success/ New Clients / Expansion to new country etc.

2. Finance / Money

Example: Increase Income/ Good Investment / Saving etc.

3. Relationships

Example: Better family relations / finding soul mate/ healing relationship with partner/ better relationship with a business partner, employee or colleague / Having A Mentor, etc.

4. Health & Appearance

Example: Got healthier / Become Fit / Achieve Ideal Weight / Looking more beautiful / Handsome / Younger etc.

5. Personal Development

Example: Mentoring You Have taken / Workshops Attended / Books Read / Certification Achieved, etc.

6. Family Time & Free Time

Example: Vacation / Trips / Off Taken / Special Events etc.

7. Material Manifestations

Example: Got New Home / Car / Phone, etc.

8. Making A Difference

Example: Charitable Giving / Extending help / Social works, etc.

Once you are done writing your success and achievements in these eight areas, it’s time to know what you couldn’t achieve.

Goals You Couldn’t achieve:

Note downs goals you couldn’t achieve in each of the eight areas. And along with them, write the reason with ‘WHY couldn’t you achieve them?’ This WHY is vital because you will know what are the areas where you have to start working to make your 2016 super awesome.

Top Three Achievements of 2015

It’s time for you to choose the 3 Top Most Achievements of 2015. These are the 3 Dreams that you must remember and reward yourself.

Reward Yourself for Your Success:

Now is the time to Reward Yourself for all your efforts throughout this year.

Whether big or small, you need to reward for every success. Because you know the law of attraction ‘like attracts like.’

Success will attract more success.

Victory will attract more victories.

Happiness will attract more moments of joy.

Take some time today and look at 2015 to celebrate your success and learn from your failure.

I am extremely grateful to you for your love and blessings. I am grateful to my team at Awesome AJ, my family, friends, students, mentee, and readers for everyone’s love and support.

Here are the Top 5 Posts on this blog to recharge you for your dreams:

1. 10 Simple Steps to Make Your Life Super Happy

2. 55 Money Magnet Affirmations Your Must Use

3. 3 Powerful Paulo Coelho Quotes To Make Your Dreams Come True.

4. How Can You Change From A Pessimist To An Optimist?

5. 3 Decisions That Changed My Life.

In 2016, we will keep inspiring you.

THANK YOU for being super awesome in this 2015.

THANK YOU for having faith in my wisdom, experience, and teaching.

THANK YOU for being a Dreamer and Achiever.

THANK YOU for believing in Your Dreams and the Law of Attraction.


Love & Gratitude,

Awesome AJ

Law of Attraction Coach & Motivational Speaker

Magical Practice Program

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6 thoughts on “Thank You 2015 – A Review Guide You Must Use”

  1. Thank you AJ for making 2015 awesome to me for new skills which will be more useful in 2016. Wishes you the amazing year 2016.

  2. Thank you so much aj..ur so inspiring to us..thank u for post here.its tym to review 2015 I see so many best moments in my life becoz of ur post.I wanna mention..I joined magic course. .this course made me f gratitude habits daily life and hard phrase in my life….im exciting to start new year 2016 I love send gratitude to universe, family, friends relatives ..and all ppl in world

  3. Thank you so much for ur guidance AJ bhaiya, with God’s grace and your advice & guidance, I had the most amazing year in 2015. My fondest dream of life came true, and some of my other dreams are also manifesting themselves so magically…. I am achieving all this only because of ur inspiration. Thank you so much dear bhaiya, immense gratitude to u and the Universe :)

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