20 Robin Sharma Quotes On FEAR That Will Make You FEARLESS

20 Robin Sharma Quotes On FEAR That Will Make You FEARLESS

Do you know the No#1 obstacle to success?

Recently, I have asked a question on Facebook.

What is the biggest obstacle stopping you from achieving your dreams?

I got hundred of answers but here are the top three:

1. FEAR of Failure

2. I FEAR about the responsibilities as I am unable to fulfill them.

3. I FEAR the time.

What is common in all the three answers?

It’s FEAR.

Yes, most of the answers I got were about FEAR only.

In one or another form, it is FEAR that stops most of the people from living their dreams.

FEAR is the greatest obstacle in achieving your GREATNESS.

In next couple of week, I will be sharing about how to overcome your fear and live your dreams. I will be sharing practical approaches to change fear into power.

But before that, I want to share how successful people approach their fear.

Today, I love to share Robin Sharma’s top 20 Quotes on Fear. Yes, Robin Sharma Quotes because he is AWESOME.

Robin Sharma Quotes Inspirational

Robin Sharma the legendary Author and Leadership Guru need no introduction. As you are reading this blog, it means you read motivational books for sure. And his master creation “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” must be in your book self.

Robin Sharma’s quotes are legendary and I would recommend you to follow his Facebook page to stay inspired.

Here are his inspirational quotes about FEAR that truly make you FEARLESS.

Robin Sharma Quotes on FEAR

#1. Make your faith larger than you fears and your dreams bigger than your doubts. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Larger than fear

#2. Fear is a big liar. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Fear Liar

#3. The fear we don’t face become our limit. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Limit Fear

#4. Fear only become powerful when you give it your power. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Fear Only

#5. Beneath every excuse lies a fear. Practice being fearless. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Beneath Every Excuse

#6. Your limits are liars, you fears are thieves. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes fear limit

#7. When you got to where your fear lives, your freedom starts to display itself. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes go to fear

#8. The beautiful thing about fear is when you run to it, it runs away. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes beauty of fear

#9. Lean into your fear. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes lean fear

#10. Your excuses are just the lies your fears have sold you. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Fear Sold

#11. Shatter all your fear. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes shatter fear

#12. Fearlessness isn’t a place your reach. It’s a commitment you make. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Fearless

#13. The average performer stops when they face fear. Iconic producer accelerates once they get frightened. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Fear Performance

#14. You were born into fearlessness, but the world may have taught you to fear. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes fearless

#15. Gratitude and fear can’t stand the sight of each other. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Gratitude

#16. Being scared is part of being alive. Accept it. Walk through it. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes being scared

#17. Once you slay one fear, you can conquer many fears. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes slay fear

#18. We grow fearless by walking into our fears. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes grow fearless

#19. Gratitude is the antidote to fear. – Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma Quotes Gratitude Fear

#2o. On the other side of the fear live your possibilities. – Robin Sharma

Bonus: Watch this short video by Robin Sharma on Fear

Face Fear Fast Video with Robin Sharma Quotes



Images & Video Credit: Robin Sharma Official Facebook Page

I believe these 20 Robin Sharma Quotes on Fear has inspired you to conquer your fear and become fearless.

Like Robin said “You were born FEARLESS. Time for you to conquer it because this is your biggest block.”

Over next few weeks, I will write more about how to overcome your fear.

As Robin quoted “Gratitude is the Antidote to Fear”, you must practice gratitude.

What are your favorite Robin Sharma Quotes?

If you have some kind of fear, you can share it in the comment section.

Conquer Your Fear, Live Your Dreams.


Love & Gratitude,

Awesome AJ

Law of Attraction Coach & Motivational Speaker

Please share this story on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter.

MYLA Manifestation Program

19 thoughts on “20 Robin Sharma Quotes On FEAR That Will Make You FEARLESS”

  1. Hi. I want to overcome my fear of being fail. People appreciate me when I work but somewhere in my mind I am fearful. I don’t work up to my potential. I think too much and work less. How can I overcome it? Please help.

  2. Pankaj, You have to set your goal and then along with working for the goals you must program your mind for success. You must use highly powerful positive affirmations to stay focused.

  3. I really like to read motivational quotes. I think I have found a place where my needs of motivational quotes can be fulfilled.

    1. Sandhya Venkatesh

      Hi Ajay,

      Just wondering if the post (massive post on how to overcome fear) you mentioned above is available. I would love to read it.


  4. I am so happy that this is the focus of your next topic. I have let fear ruin 47 years of my life. I have OCD based on fearful thoughts. I have tried several several years to overcome it so I can enjoy life. When I try to overcome get severe anxiety.Sort of like giving up an addiction. I want to rid of this once and for all and enjoy the second half of my life. And hopefully in the process teach my children to live fearlessly.

  5. fantastic post. My favorite quote was the one where you talked about the difference between average performers and outstanding producers. Everyone feels fear, but its the ones who push through it and decide to go anyway that are ultimately successful.
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    1. Sanjay Dhanuka

      Iv always lived in fear for the past 46 years.
      Iv lost around 7 Kgs. coz of fear.
      Fear to talk to my cousins to claim my property on which they are sitting tight since years.
      My mother has been trying to power me by making me understand that, the property is ours and we are just claiming it and not asking others share.
      But the damn thing is not getting out of my system.
      I,m on antidepressants which after joining your 21 days programme has reduced.
      I,m thank full to you and Robin Sharma whose I am a big fan.
      I want to live fearless and light.
      Please help me out through this illusion called fear which seems so big and real.
      Love you Awesomeaj.

  6. Thr beautiful thing about fear is when you run to it it runs away.i loved it.thank you thank you thank you my loving universe and aj sir.

  7. The beautiful thing about fear is when you run to it it runs away.i loved it.thank you thank you thank you my loving universe and aj sir.

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