I Missed My Flight But Learned A Lot About Life! - An Inspirational Story

I Missed My Flight But Learned A Lot About Life! – An Inspirational Story

Awesomeaj I missed my flight story

It’s Not About The Destination, It’s About The Journey.

A few years back I was invited to deliver an Inspirational Keynote speech to approx 5000 Graduate students at The University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya. I was so excited that I offered to do it for Free. The University booked my tickets and accommodation.


As there weren’t direct flights from Hyderabad to Guwahati, I suppose to catch a connecting flight the day before the event. But due to unexpected traffic near the airport, I reached 5 min late for the check-in timing. I requested the airline staff to let me in but they denied all my requests.


I was disappointed as for the first time in my life I missed a flight or train or bus. I am always on time.


I checked for any alternative flight but there is just one connecting flight after few hours and if I catch that then only I can be in Guwahati by evening so that I can deliver the keynote next morning. And the price of that connecting flight was approx 25,000 Rupees.

I have to make a decision immediately.


For a moment a small voice within said ‘It’s gone. Call the contact person at the university and tell them you can’t make it because you missed the flight and let it go. They will manage for sure.’

But my heart was not ready to accept it because…it’s not just a trip…it’s a mission for me.

I immediately decided to book the next connecting flight.


Your Decision Shapes Your Journey!

When I decided to book the next flight at the counter, the airline staff was ready to adjust the ticket amount for the flight I missed in the new ticket price. I had to pay approx 18,000 rupees immediately. This was unexpected but I was happy that I am keeping my commitment to be there for the Keynote Speech.

I booked my tickets and informed the University that I missed my flight, but I will be coming on another flight and instead of the afternoon, I will reach in the evening.

The moment I booked my flight. I had a different kind of joy in my heart because I didn’t listen to the small negative voice and I am keeping my commitment.

The next day when I reached for the event, I found out there is an eminent group of speakers including an Ex-Governor of India, Ex-Ambassador, Professor from Foreign Universities and many more dignitaries. However, I was the only young man among them who was invited to share some unconventional wisdom and motivation with the young graduate students.

When I delivered my talk and shared my unconventional keys to success and how every single student has the potential to achieve greatness in his or her life, I received a standing ovation from more than 5000 students including all the professors, staff and dignitaries.

I was filled with immense gratitude to the University and to the Universe for giving me this opportunity.

When the event was over and I was leaving from the University, the Vice-Chancellor called me personally and appreciate my speech a lot and he gave me an envelope. Which contains a cheque of 30,000 Rupees. I didn’t ask for this money, I didn’t even tell them how much I had to spend to book another flight. I didn’t expect anything from them. But they were so very generous to give me this gift apart from the priceless love and appreciations they already offered.


Follow Your Heart with Positivity and The Universe Will Reward You With Magic.

That day I realize that no matter how positive we are, no matter how organized we are and no matter how passionate we are, there will always be a test of our commitment, passion, and drive.

Whether you call it life or the higher power or the Universe, it will always through a situation like this when it will ask you…

“Are you really committed to your mission?”

“Are you really ready to give more than what you may receive?”

And “Are you ready to keep moving forward even if things aren’t working in your favor?”


I was happy that I took the right decision. I was happy that I didn’t listen to the small negative voice that is within us (all of us had it within) and I gave more power to the positive voice within me, I have more importance to my commitment to the University than the amount of money I was spending from my pocket.

When we are really committed and ready to handle every situation with greater commitment, positivity, and passion then the happiness, joy, and fulfillment we get are priceless.


I wanted to share this experience with everyone because not everyone is going to miss your flight but there are times when you may be in a similar situation when you have to take a call between being committed to your mission and listening to the negative voice within.


Always choose your passion, mission, and commitment and you will experience something that you can’t get in any other way.


I wish you all the success.

Thank you,

Awesome AJ

Stay Motivated, Stay Awesome!


If this story has inspired you then do let me know in the comment section and share it with others on Facebook, LinkedIn & WhatsApp.

MYLA Manifestation Program

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15 thoughts on “I Missed My Flight But Learned A Lot About Life! – An Inspirational Story”

  1. Really this story is Awesome Magical and highly inspirational..
    THANK YOU thank you Thank you Magical Awesome Universe and Thank You to our Divine MENTOR AWESOME AJ sir…for inspiring,Guiding us Always.
    #I love my magical UNIVERSE

  2. Wooow…. what an amazing experience…. N thank you so much for AJ Sir for sharing with us.. currently in dilemma whether to listen inner negative voice or should I continue with my Manifestation to attract my love of my life back….. & I got my answer..❤️❤️ through you sir.. Thank you Universe.. once again thanks a zillion to you AJ sir….

  3. Sometimes I found it quite confusing when taking decisions.Your experience showed me a better understanding on following what heart says. Now I have more courage to take decisions. Thank you Aj Sir for sharing your own experience. Thank you Thank you Thank you

  4. Sreemoyee Moitra

    Happened this today morning. I thought that Universe is guiding me to not to do that. I got confused. Got my answer. Thank you Universe. Thank you God.Thank you AJ.

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