Your Dream Is Not Only Your Dream, It’s The Dream Of The Universe

Your Dream Is Not Only Your Dream, It’s The Dream Of The Universe

everything you want Universe awesomeaj

Message From The Universe For You

Your dream knows no limit and your dream knows no obstacles. Your work is to believe in your dream and follow the path.

What if you don’t know the path; don’t be worried you dream knows it.

While most people tell themselves or others that why they can’t live their dream, your only mission is to follow your dream. There is no greater joy than finding your treasure, there is no greater happiness than living your dream.

He or she who follow their dreams, even without knowing the way their dreams find the way. Your intuition is your GPS that guide you to the destination. Follow your intuition, because your intuition is the voice of the Universe. It may not show you the staircase to success now, but it definitely leads step by step.

Trust your dreams and trust the Universe, you may not have the map to find your treasure but your treasure knows the path. This treasure magnetizes you to go ahead. Your work is to step up, get ready and let yourself free for the adventure. Your work is to get ready and let your intuition see map find the treasure.

If you follow the path with faith, you will not only find your treasure but you will become truly alive.

At times the clouds of the doubt shadow your faith, don’t get worried or upset, you are meant to fulfill your dreams and you will.

At every storm of doubtful faith, remember “Your Dream is not only Your Dream, it’s the Dream of the Universe”. That’s why the Universe shows you the path when you follow your dream….. and when you follow…you Succeed …because Universe doesn’t know how to fail.

The Universe never let you fail because, with every success of yours, you add more life to the Universe. Because when you follow your dreams, you find your treasure, you add your story to the Book of Universe. With your happiness, with your success and with your joy the soul of the Universe nourished. There is no bigger treasure than this in the Universe.

That’s why the Universe never let you fail unless you stop following your dreams. You never meant to fail because Universe doesn’t know how to fail.

So what are you waiting for? Ready to follow your dreams and ready to be alive forever?

The Universe

MYLA Manifestation Program

16 thoughts on “Your Dream Is Not Only Your Dream, It’s The Dream Of The Universe”

  1. Avinash Gudapati

    Love you buddy… This adds much more strength to my strong belief as Universe & Almighty blessing and Fulfilling My Heart, Life & Soul one last Desire. Thank you Universe, Thank you Ajay,Thank you Almighty For the Unlimited Love & Care you showering upon me all time.

      1. ur this post makes my believe strongest…. that i am on right path. the path which is showing by universe…. ur this post clears my path all clear and set my mind in a positive n correct way…. thank u sooooooooo much a lotted to u n to universe who makes me clear about my way of destination n of my life… thank u :)

  2. My dear Ajay …. you are simply awesome like Universe …… love it … thanks for the positivity spreading ….. you be blessed with all the abundance :) ….

  3. Thank you sir, for this valuable information
    Ideas of positivity are great
    In your each& every blog you explain LOA very nicely
    with this msg of universe also.It is simply GREAT
    Thank you,thank you ,thank you

  4. Hello AJ sir ….thank you so much for motivating me ….you are such a wonderful person and a best teacher I have ever seen….you and my dr geetendra sir …you too are gems of my life you both show me a path ….towards my success….thank you so much sir…
    I searched everywhere that…how law of attraction works for students but dont get any answer or post satisfying my soul…i was tired stuck dishearted confused but today i read your post…
    And here ….my search is finished….i have got my all questions answers….now i know what i have to do and how to apply law of attraction to achieve my dreams…thank you so much sir

    With lots of love and respect

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