3 Decisions That Changed My Life – An Inspirational Video

3 Decisions That Changed My Life – An Inspirational Video

Dear Awesome Tribe, I strongly believe “we are all gifted with the power to unleash our greatness and live our dreams.” I believe we are here to shine with glory and happiness. And by doing so, we not only change our lives but also help others to do the same.

You must have read many success stories of dreamers and achievers in this blog. Success stories of people whom I am helping and guiding and who have overcome their fears and are now achieving success. I love telling those stories again and again. But today I want to share something from my life.

I want to share the three decisions that changed my life. Of course, we make hundreds and thousands of decisions in our lives and each one of them shapes our destiny. But few decisions change our lives forever and shape our destiny.

Decisions Shape Destiny.

Most of you don’t know that I was born and raised in a lower-middle-class family and grew up in small towns in Odisha, India.  And I have faced all kinds of problems and challenges.

Life was throwing big obstacles against me until I understood, “I can change my life by changing my thoughts, feelings, and actions.” Once I understood the law of attraction and believed that “I am the master of my fate and I am the captain of my soul,” my life changed phenomenally.

I went from being a lower-middle-class boy to becoming a very successful management consultant with one of the world’s top MNCs. At the peak of my career, I left my job to follow my passion completely. And now I am living my passion as an inspirational writer, motivational speaker, and life coach. I am helping, guiding, and mentoring hundreds and thousands of people from all over the globe in changing their lives and in living their dreams.

Today, I want to share The Three Decisions That Changed My Life and Made Me Who I Am Today. And I must tell you this is just the beginning of my universal adventure.

I have recently spoken at a Blogger Meet and inspired young bloggers by sharing about these three decisions of my life. And here I am sharing the VIDEO with you.

Watch This Video:

Three Decisions That Changed My Life

I believe my life story has inspired you to believe in your dreams. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel, I will be sharing many more new videos to help you achieve your dreams.

If my story has inspired you then share the video with others and share your feelings in the comment.

I am speaking at various events and inspiring Entrepreneurs, Bloggers, and Dreamers to go for their dreams and achieve success. Recently I spoke at SMB Connect, an event for Entrepreneurs and Business Owners, and inspired them to become successful in life. I spoke about the “Golden Rules of Greatness”. Here are a few pics from the event.

India's Top Motivational Speaker Ajay Mishra

Law of Attraction Workshop Coach Ajay Mishra

Top Law of Attraction Coach Awesome AJ

  Law of attraction workshop in India

Would You Attend My Law of Attraction Workshop?

I keep getting requests from friends and readers to conduct more and more workshops. In the next few months, I am conducting LAW OF ATTRACTION WORKSHOPS in all major cities in India.

My sole purpose in conducting these Workshops is to help and guide more and more people about how the Universe works. And how you can change your life by applying the law of attraction and live your dreams.

Tons of gratitude to you for watching the video.

I believe my video has inspired you to the core. Time for you to make decisions to live your dreams. Once you decide the whole Universe will work for you.

Like Paulo Coelho wrote in The Alchemist Book:

To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only real obligation. All things are one. When you want something; all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.

Do share this post and video with others.

Always believe in your dreams.

Love & Gratitude,

Awesome AJ

Law of Attraction Coach & Motivational Speaker

Please share this video on Facebook, LinkedIn & Twitter, and Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

15 thoughts on “3 Decisions That Changed My Life – An Inspirational Video”

  1. Dear Awesome AJ,
    Thank you for that inspirational video. Gratitude & positivity is helping in my life daily &I feel so much better as a person.. Excited to hear about the workshop. Looking forward to attend it. Thank you so much.

  2. Its really awesome sir…..so inspirational. Thank u for this video.
    sir how can I change negative people mindset.One of my friends she is very very negative, and I told every thing about 28 magic practices and about ur blog ,to affirm something positive but she did nothing and she is not believing anything like god, universe …..she is always blaming others and God.Is there any way to help her plz………..help me thank u.

    1. Thank You Tanu. But you can’t help the one who is not ready to change their life. Many a times people get too much addicted with their pain and negativity that they loved it unconsciously and keep telling everyone about their problems because they feel that’s the only way to feel get attention. But not all negative or sad people are doing this. How to know the difference. When you tell them about something positive, or read a book or check a blog or join a course or listen to some motivational audio where they will find the answer and better their life ..the one who really want to change will listen to you and try…you can help this kind of people but the only who love his or her negativity will tell you .. I don’t believe on all this ..but I am sad and miserable.. You can’t help this kind of people.

  3. Victor ohazulike


  4. This was truly great and inspiring. Thank you for sharing and making us believe and have faith in our dreams again :)

  5. Very inspiring video Ajay. May god bless you with lot more success and happiness in your life. Keep up doing the good work. Thank you, thank you and thank you.

  6. Ramalakshmi panduri

    Thank you thank you thank you for your inspirational vedio
    Day by day I’m becoming more positive more happy more powerfull by watching your vedios

    God bless you AJ sir
    U r always awesome awesome more awesome

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