Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude
Gratitude is the simplest way to create the greatest transformation in your life. Yes, you heard me right. That’s why today I am sharing a video on what are the benefits of practicing gratitude.
All the successful people from all walks of life practice gratitude to create abundance. Read the following quotes:
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” – Oprah Winfrey
“Be Grateful for everything you have and you will be successful in everything you do.” – Conor McGregor, MMA Fighter
“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.” – Tony Robbins
I strongly believe Gratitude doesn’t just make you feel good but it can change your life. And I am not just saying this from my experience but it is scientifically proven.
Benefits of Gratitude Discussed in this Video
1. By Practicing Gratitude You can Achieve more GOALS
2. Practicing Gratitude enhances your SELF-ESTEEM
3. Your RELATIONSHIPS get better with an Attitude of Gratitude.
4. Regular practice of Gratitude improves your PHYSICAL HEALTH.
5. It improves your PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH.
6. Want to reduce anger and enhance EMPATHY, practice gratitude on a daily basis.
7. Finally, it will make your SLEEP better and better
Isn’t it AWESOME?
Here is an awesome infographic I found on the internet about the benefits of gratitude.
Infographic Credit: Golden Eagle Coaching
Starting from today, start practicing gratitude and see your life-changing in front of your eyes. I am sure you will get amazed at the results.
Always remember you can Transform Your Life with Magic of Gratitude.
I would like to know “What is the No#1 Benefit of gratitude for you?” Share in the comments below.
Love & Gratitude,
Awesome AJ
Law of Attraction Coach & Motivational Speaker
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Hi Aj ,thank you for ur sharing!
Gratitude helps me to change my thoughts and my energy . Sometimes I have to work hard on being grateful,but I know it really makes things better. I believe I can do it better, I am the master of myself!
Magical ..Magical ..More power to you. Live your magical life.
I consciously started practicing gratitude after reading your blogs AJ Bhaiya and my life has improved so much. I feel happier and some of my fondest dreams are also coming true by themselves :) Thank you so much for guiding us !! Thank you, thank you, thank you :)
Super Happy for your success and Transformation.
Hi awesome AJ,
Thank you for this video. I started practicing gratitude mentally but didn’t make it a habbit to write them down and didn’t practice on a daily basis. This video motivates me to practice it properly. Thank you once again.
More Magical Power to You Yashoda.
I believe I can do it better, I am the master of myself!
I consciously started practicing gratitude and my mood changed , I started feeling more happy… Thank you awesome aj for sharing this video…
I am practicing gratitude .It made me feel so good about myself.I feel more postive and relaxed.
Dear AJ Sir,
This video has inspired me to practice gratitude on daily basis. I want to transform my life and make it magical in every way. Thank you so much for making me aware of the 7 effects which has been scientifically proven. Thank you thank you, AJ Sir.
Gratefully yours