Message From The Universe For You
Happiness is purely internal. It is produced not by objects, but by ideas, attitude and the way you respond to the things happening around you.
Your environment doesn’t have control over your happiness. But your reactions to your environment have the control over your happiness.
You are destined to live in happiness but unless you are a monk living in some holy mountain, it is not possible for you to be happy all the time. But that doesn’t mean you should live in unhappiness all the time.
When some misfortune happened in your life, you become unhappy and that is natural. If you lost someone close to you, if you fall into a severe illness or if you lost your job, it’s natural to feel unhappy. But you shouldn’t stay there forever. If you stay there for very long, then sadness will become your natural self and you seldom find happiness in life.
Most of the time you are unhappy not because some misfortune happened in your life. But often you feel miserable for small things that are happening every day.
Do you find your environment too negative? Are the situations make you hopeless?
You must be living more in unhappiness reacting to your environment than being sad about something terrible happening to you.
Be honest, ask yourself and you will know this is true.
Most people are unhappy over small things that they are not supposed to.
I am sure the things that make you unhappy every day are not really something big but they are very small. But they are doing the greatest disaster to your life by building a habit of unhappiness.
A driver honks a horn at you unnecessarily.
Someone interrupts and doesn’t give attention when you are speaking.
Someone doesn’t come through as you were expecting.
The bus you wanted to catch had to be late.
The traffic gets jammed when you needed to catch the plane.
How do you react to all the situations?
I am sure with anger, resentment, and self-pity. Right?
You react to all these situations with Unhappiness.
Most of the time you become unhappy with things you don’t have control over. And as a result, you develop the habit of expecting the same again and again in future.
Don’t let such situations make you unhappy.
You can do that by being conscious of how you are reacting to all such circumstances.
Don’t let the environment control your emotions.
Don’t let the bad news about the society or system spoil your day.
Don’t let the over information distract you from your dreams and true purpose of life.
By being reactive to all that is happening around you is your reason for unhappiness.
Stop letting your surrounding make you a victim. But become the optimistic being to build your magical surrounding.
Always live with happiness. Choose to focus on positive outcome all the time. And when you don’t have control what’s happening around you, let it go and knows that you don’t have to react with unhappiness.
Happiness is all yours; let your happiness bring more happiness to your life.
The Universe
Also Read: Let Go of All Your Worries and Open Yourself to Happiness
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true ajay. it is meant for me. thank u for the message
Super Happiness to You Srividya.. Live your magical life.
Hi AJ,
I was thinking about the situation Everyday and praying to God that I want to really come out of this..than day before just browsing about effective meditation to pick me up from where I think back there must be a reason to click on the link where u offering this 21 days course..I badly need this help currently..
Thank you so much AJ
Glad to see Santhi that my blog is changing your life. Keep following it and see the magic happening in your life.
You are exactly right AJ, we become unhappy for meaningless things. Sometimes the things which does not even matter to us, we become unhappy for that too. The situations like, Pizza boy got late in his delivery, internet is down, heavy rains, on all of these situation we dont have control of but we become unhappy. We become angry and feel sad about it. Some times we react badly with the person who is with us in the same situation. This way we become unhappy and we transfer our unhappiness to that person as well.
You are exactly right, we should try to think before reacting and the situation really sounds stupid then also we should react calmly.
Yes Payal so many people living in negativity for so many small things that they forget to live in happiness. Time to shine.
Thank You sir.
Thank You thank you thank you.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thanks for the magical videos and blogs Ajay….plz create a video on how to avoide negative people sply when they are close to u in relation…
Loads of Gratitude Archana.
Aj ..We always responds according to what happening in life in stead fcousin what we want in life…religiously following ur all article made me optimist and stay happy at every situation…yes i am the creator of my life and I have the power to handle all my situation..Thank aj…understanding the law of attraction made life worth living. .Thank you thank you thank you
Absolutely Shaida. More magical power to you. You are super awesome.