How to Achieve Phenomenal Success in Job Interview with Law of Attraction

How to Achieve Phenomenal Success in Job Interview with Law of Attraction

Interview Success and The Secret of the Law of Attraction

What happens when you go for an interview?

How can the Law of Attraction play the most powerful chord in interview success?

Motivation and a high spirit are necessary, but how can you create those within you to achieve phenomenal success?

Most people wonder how they can use the Law of Attraction for phenomenal success in a job interview or any interview, like a college campus interview, a promotion interview, a visa interview, or a university entry interview. The same phenomena work in all situations because this is universal. This works on the universal principle of the Law of Attraction. Whether you say you need motivation or confidence, it builds upon the same foundation; what works behind it is the same universal wisdom that governs the universe: the Law of Attraction.

This is the much-awaited post on my blog, as so many people are waiting for it after the much-popular post “How to Achieve Phenomenal Success in an Exam.”

If you haven’t read Phenomenal Success in Exam Post, read it here: How do I achieve phenomenal success in an exam using the Law of Attraction?

how to achieve Interview success

Before going to the post, I must say most people get the call for their Dream Job and they did attract it. If you want to know how to attract your dream job, check out these two posts:

Here we go:

Using the Law of Attraction in Interview Success

Everyone gets to face an interview now and then, may it be for our dream job, for campus interviews during recruitment season in colleges, for visa clearances, for university entry, or for many other purposes.

You have a dream and you want to manifest it. Now you have reached a point where this interview is the only thing standing between you and your dream. And as these interviews are the last step of all such adventures, they give many people a feeling of nervousness or doubt.

After this job interview, many people feel a rush of blood, and a mixed kind of fear and excitement come together. For some, the nervousness becomes heavier, while a few others get doubtful about their readiness for the big day.

It also happens people are so focused on attracting the interview that many times they feel they aren’t well prepared for it. Then they got to know the interview was scheduled for the next one or two weeks, and they started wondering how they should get ready for it. How can they be prepared to win the dreams that they have so ardently pursued? Now the real test starts, right?

At such a juncture, they post and seek guidance in many forums or from the person on “How to win this interview or how to use the Law of Attraction to make it happen?” and most of the replies they receive are confident, calm, happy, and stay motivated. All of us know these are the traits needed at that moment, but the real question the person asked was, “How am I going to be in that state? Can the law of attraction help me to be calm, confident, and motivated? Yes! It can, but how?”

Step-by-step Method for Interview Success Using Law of Attraction

This is based on my personal experience. I have given tons of interviews by now and on many different platforms. I love giving an interview as it opens up new insight, and it’s really fun as you know how it works. But the series of interviews I gave for two of my Dream Jobs after knowing the law of attraction opened a great insight into it. After knowing the secret, I got my first dream job with a French MNC and had five rounds of interviews in two days, all lasting from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours, all in one go. I interviewed the company’s Indian head and Asia head and made it a cakewalk with a big check. After working there for more than a year, I got an interview for another bigger dream job with the world’s leading management consulting firm. It was four rounds of interviews with top management executives, all of which lasted for more than an hour, and I cracked it in one go with a super big fat paycheck again.

After this, I helped and guided 100s of youth in clearing their dream job interview or any other type of interview, and here I am to share with you “How to Use the Law of Attraction as Your Strength for Achieving Phenomenal Success in an Interview or Job Interview.”

Starting Point: When You Get the Interview Call

The moment you get the interview call, you become very happy and do some of your dancing, but for many of you, a feeling of fear starts making a shadow, asking, “Am I ready for it?” “Am I ready with all the desired skills?” “Can I get ready within the time left in hand, maybe in a few days, one week, or two weeks?” “What will happen if I am not able to succeed?” “How do I gain confidence?” Most of you face these inner challenges; of course, many others are very confident and ready to rock. But the majority feel that these series of questions keep flashing through their minds.

This is where the Law of Attraction plays its magic to clear all your doubts and make you calm, confident, and motivated, and I must say the interviewer is ready to rock the panel and win your dreams. This concept is not new, but it works in a certain way to ease out all your fears and reinstate the power of faith and confidence.

Use the Magical Power of Gratitude

After all the excitement and conversation settle down for receiving the call, when you are free, that’s the moment you have to start your constructive action to build your positive energy level.

Take an hour or 30 minutes off, keep aside what skills you have or not, how ready you are or not, and write gratitude for the journey so far and the way ahead.

Take your journal or computer and write how grateful you are to all the people and everything related to this interview.

First, express your deepest gratitude to the universe and God for taking you so far and gifting you your dreams for sure.

After that, write a letter of gratitude to the people in the company or agency who will take your interview, like:

  • I am immensely grateful to the person who will take my interview.
  • I am highly grateful to the interview panel for selecting me immediately.
  • I am grateful to the entire group of people who coordinated my interview or arranged it for me.
  • I am extremely grateful to those who called me for the interview, those who sent me the interview mail or those who typed the call letter.
  • I am grateful to those who took me to the interview panel on that day.
  • I am grateful for my final offer letter, and everyone worked on making it.
  • I am highly grateful to all the things and people working behind this to make this interview coordinated, and all this is happening to me only.
  • Feel and express gratitude for all these people.

Maybe you don’t know who these people are or have never seen them, but all of them are part of this universe, and you can connect with them with your energy. It will help you feel comfortable when you go there. You have seen it; you don’t know the reason, but some people you find very easy and comfortable for an interview and others you find rude and arrogant. What’s that? Either the energy levels are not in coordination or you attract the wrong group of people out of fear or dilemma.

With this gratitude, you find yourself on the perfect panel or with the perfect interviewer who helps you explore what you know and how you can grow, not try to ground you on absurd questions.

Many times you have heard some people go for an interview and crack it with just casual talks, and some people fail after hours of deep technical discussion. What’s the reason? The reason is the energy connection. The winner already knew it was a cakewalk and the job was meant for him or her. That’s what made the interviewer wonder whether you were the right one or not. This is what the law of attraction does.

Magical Practice Program by Ajaya Mishra

Gratitude is the first step; now it is time for affirmative action.

As I mentioned in the “How to Achieve Phenomenal Success in the Exam” post, the importance of affirmative action is vital to building your confidence. The gratitude part you did to attract the right people with your energy connection. But to build your confidence in yourself, you need affirmative action.

Here, your affirmative action is to get ready with all the tools, skills, and knowledge needed for the job. Maybe you have a few days left for the interview or a few weeks. And you may be feeling like you know everything or nothing. Whatever may be the case, don’t panic or get sad; none of this serves you well.

The key is building calmness and confidence with affirmative action.

How to take this affirmative action is here:

Find out what you are lacking or what you need to build better; learn that with a happy heart, whatever time you have left, you will use all the moments put on day in and day out to be the best, to use it to best learn the skill and knowledge. Keep saying to yourself, “I know everything, and I am best at it.” You do it as an affirmation. If needed, take others’ help in understanding things and get ready. Rather than saying you are not ready, transport yourself into readiness. The confidence will start building super-fast.

Also, read the gratitude you have written to the universe and all the people, as I said above. Keep reading that every night before going to bed, and when fear or doubt comes, rewrite it. It will release all your negativity.

And as you start falling asleep, visualize that “you are sitting in front of an interview panel with the most peaceful and confident smile; all the interview panel members are sitting there with some peace, and you are radiating amazing energy from you, and the word you hear is YOU ARE SELECTED. Next, you are jumping with the offer letter.”

Whatever you are doing and going, keep saying these words in your mind: “I AM SELECTED, I AM SUCCESSFUL.” This reprograms every DNA of yours to be unstoppable, and success is what you live by.

Remember, doubting your abilities will never help. If you are going for a job and say you are not good at it, how can you get selected? If by now you were not good, this is the time to build it with affirmative action. It’s time for you to live with that skill and ability.

Example of Interview Success for a Dream Job:

If working as a programmer for a software giant like Facebook or Google is your dream job and you say you are not a good programmer and are scared of all the programming skill sets they test for, then how can you get your dream job?

Your dream job is something you love to do day in and day out, and you want to live it, to be in it, and to be in the joy of it. And be ready to take on anything and everything. If you want to be a programmer on Facebook or Google, then stop saying you are not a good programmer. If you have this mindset, the interviewer, before asking you anything, will sense that you are not a programmer. If you believe this is your dream job, then immerse yourself in it and jump into it. If you have 15 days left, are you ready to devote the next 15 days to learning whatever it takes to crack all those rounds? Don’t say you have five software skills to improve in 15 days. How can it be possible? If you think like this, nothing is possible. If you believe it’s your dream job, go immerse yourself in it and devote 24 hours of these 15 days to learning whatever it takes to live the programmer life. You know how those crazy programmers work at Google; they love doing that programming. When you align yourself with that frequency, you will land your dream job, for sure. Nothing is impossible if you believe and surely work for it. And if you do it in these 15 days, never tell yourself or anyone that you are not a good programmer.

Write it down in your room in the biggest font: “I AM A CRAZY PROGRAMMER.”

You do all this for all the days before what you will do on the interview day.

On the interview day:

You are ready, saying, “I AM SELECTED, I AM SUCCESSFUL,” and by now you are ready with all the knowledge, skills, and confidence. Today is the time to magnetize the universe for you. Do you know how to do that?

The power of gratitude energizes the universe for you to succeed. As you start your journey to the interview venue, start expressing gratitude for the dress you wear, the documents you carry, and the bus, car, or taxi you take. As you reach the venue, express your gratitude to the building, to the lift, to the stairs, and to each one of these, like all living creatures. When you see someone on the way, smile and let your peace shine everywhere.

Before entering the building, look at the sky and breathe naturally. Say, “THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, UNIVERSE, FOR MAKING MY DREAM COME TRUE.” It will free your heart from all anxiety or fear.

And you should say this to the universe because, finally, he has set all the arrangements for making your dreams come true.

And as you go inside, by now you have so much magical power within you that every moment of the interview will be a delightful experience, and it will bring only the joy of success.

This is how you write the story of your success in the heart of the universe. When you do all this, no fear can touch you, no shadow of a doubt can overpower you, and no part of failure shakes you.

Believe in abundance.

Believe that the universe is abundant; forget about who is giving an interview, how many other candidates are there, and whether there is a recession or an economic crisis. You need one job, and it’s your dream job, so you are destined for it. You don’t need five jobs, so don’t be worried about what’s happening around you. If thousands are competing, be sure those who are aligned all get it; for those who are not, there is something else for them; they are not ready for this now. There is no competition in this universe because there is always abundance.

job Interview Success with law of attraction

Why does the Law of Attraction work this way for interview success?

Because I know the success is yours because you know the success is yours, and the universe knows the success is yours. The interview is meant for you and only you. Because this is your dream job, and this is your dream success. This job was created for you, and you are destined for it. Every bit of the work, play, and pay involved in it matches your vibration, and it doesn’t stop there. The universe is gifting you this with a gift wrapped with a golden plate shining on it: “Your Wish is My Command.”

So what does that mean? This means you are on the bullseye, you are at the peak of your adventure, and you are the epitome of success. Look up at the sky and jump to live your dreams forever.

Live by the Law of Attraction, have high motivation, and success will be your constant companion.

Love and Gratitude,

Awesome AJ

Law of Attraction Coach and Motivational Speaker

Magical Practice Program by Ajaya Mishra

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96 thoughts on “How to Achieve Phenomenal Success in Job Interview with Law of Attraction”

  1. Piyush Shrivastava

    Bhai in this post you have encountered the exact path on which i have to go. This one is incredible bhai . I know universe wants me to run towards excellence and our great Universe send you to convey his message to us. Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much bhai for each and everything right from this blog, your awesome words, your kind nature ,your incredible voice to unconditional love . Happy teacher’s day in advance bhai :) Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much bhai for being such great loa teacher . Thank you soooooooooooooo much. God bless you bhai . lots n lots n lots of magic dust for you bhai :)

    1. Infinite gratitude for your appreciation and love for my work. Keep enjoying and sharing.
      Stay Motivated , Stay Awesome

  2. AMAZING. Thank you for YOU. You are a blessing! Sending you love!!! Thank you for making me feel I deserve all my dreams!!! I am applying for visa for the UK and Schengen, and this is just PERFECT. I am highly grateful for this inspiration :)

  3. great post and perfect for i what need at the moment…Thank you for taking time to write such a great post! Thanks to god and google for getting this on my search list!! :)

  4. Hello there,thank u for a great post! I feel I attracted your post! I am going for an interview this coming Tuesday and I’m holding thumbs! My credit history is not good and iim hoping that it won’t be taken into consideration for this job! I’m sending the universe to set everything for me on the silver platter! This is my dream job,the salary is good nd it can be great if I put hard work! The job is mine,it will change my life and living condition of my family! I send this out to the universe! Thnks for your words of encouragemt,I will write again to update you.

    1. Thank You Milly and stay blessed. Remove the negative feeling about credit history and get ready for your Phenomenal Success, that’s what you are destined for and the Universe is with you.

  5. Very very very very very nice article…. Thank you, thank you, thank you soooooo much…:) I was feeling the article while reading it…. Thats amazing…

  6. saurabh zaveri

    Dear AJ,

    Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful articles. I really need it. From Now I follow this every time when I will go for interview.

  7. omg! a moment ago i was getting sacred thinking about my dream job interview …nd suddenly i found you …THANKYOU UNIVERSE ,THANKYOU AJ SIR ,,FOR THIS WONDERFUL ARTICLE .. i can feel my success now …feeling so much motivated and energetic …i cant explain,,this is the best article ever …feeling like never felt before …THANKYOU SO MUCH …m very grateful :) to you

  8. thank you thank you thank you for your inspiring words !! I practice but your words really keep me on my toes to become a grateful soul…it reminds me n also guide me how to use gratitude in every step in life ! Thank you again !

  9. Sir,i beleive in laws of attraction but our mind has a lots of thoughts,i think we cannot control it.Therefore,it sometimes not work or anything else.Suggest me.

  10. Wow wow wow.
    Awesome AJ this really an wesome post. Reading itself has given me so much of confidence already.
    I can imagine now the success i am looking for.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Universe.
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Awesome AJ.

  11. Sir,thank you for this valuable information,
    Every body mostly needed for it ,steps you are explain really great ,Awesome
    Thank you once again

  12. Thank you………………………………………………………..,…………….awesomeaj
    Today i feel lucky no.1 in the universe thank you aj thank you……………..

  13. Thank you bhai – enroute to an interview and this is exactly what I needed to hear/read – your words are right on chord – thank you and God Bless x

  14. Thk you for this article very thought provoking and metaphysical essence of getting our thoughts n feeling to be aligned. Thank you….Thank you to’s AWESOME…THANK YOU


  16. Thank you so much sir. I was about to quit trying for my dream job but not now. I will get my dream job soon

  17. Thank you universe for this post I really needed this. It looks like now everything easier than before. Thank you so much awesome AJ. You are actually awesome. The simplicity in your post is like wow. Thank you so much. I always used to think what I am missing even after raeding the secret, but now I know everything. Thank you sooo much. God bless you.

  18. Hi AJ,
    I want to express my gratitude toward you and the universe. Thanks for coming to my rescue.
    Let me tell you, I don’t know how I got to this page, I follow all the steps, everyone was contacting me for interviews, even the place I applied long time ago. everything was happening so fast, the interview was the easiest interview that I have ever been to.
    Thank you so much, you are a blessing to us, to the World. I’m highly and extremely grateful.

  19. Thank you, thank you, thank you Awesome Aj for all, since my success on job, I been feeling wonderful. but I want to learn more.
    For the 28 days magical practice course, can I sign up anytime or I have to wait for the space. pls let me know I can’t wait.
    Thank you AJ may you be bless every day.

  20. thank you for these insights. Now i have so much knowledge in attracting my dream job and being successful at any interview. Thank you again. God bless u

  21. Another great Lecture by AJ Awesome. I thank you for this and also to Mr Qayyum ( who tells me about you and your course. It is really beneficial for me.

    Again a bundle of thanks

  22. Thank you gazillion times.. Ajay.. Your articles are absolutely inspiring and every single day i look forward to it.. I have only grown from day 1 to 11.. I can feel the shift i my energy and my thoughts, action already. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing me the light.. wish you all the best. Thank you universe.. thank you so much.. To awesome time ahead :)

  23. madhumita mukherjee

    Thank you Aj, your writing always motivate and thank you once again for this beautiful inspiring writing.

  24. Thank you so much , really this post has gave me a boost towards my PhD journay.
    Now I feel much confident than before. I have joined your Goal achivement programme recently, it is amazing, guides me perfectly.

    Thank you Universe, thank you AJ


  25. Thank you so much AJ. Sending you lots of love and best wishes and gratitude for all this amazing knowledge that you share with us each day. God bless you :)

    “I AM SELECTED, I AM SUCCESSFUL” added this to my many mantras I say to myself everyday. ;)

  27. Hello Awesomeaj Sir,

    I practiced all the interview success guidelines. I expressed gratitude to every single person and thing for my interview that happened yesterday. I even wrote myself letters that I got that job. Today i got an update that I am rejected. I am very disappointed and feeling lost. I tried to keep my mood good, but I am not able to. I totally feel lost and low on confidence. Please help me.


    1. Hi Shilpa, I can understand your situation. But if you still couldn’t manifest your dream job then definitely there are lot of negativity stuck in your subconscious mind. I would highly recommend you to join 28 Magical Practice course to create massive change in yourself and manifest your dreams. Check the details here: 28 Magical Practice Program

  28. poonam shankarlal shivnani

    Epitome Of Success Its My Constant Companion.
    Love and Tons of Gratitude
    To Ajay Sir and Universe for bringing these beautiful powerful words in my life.


  30. Best blog on job interview i have ever read so are awesome have taken law of attraction to entire new level kudos to u and your entire team all are doing a great thank you so much

  31. Thank you very much for this article, I have a job interview tomorrow and I was looking for an article to use laws of attraction on Job interview and how to be successful in a Job interview, i found your article and was excited to find this article. I am truly grateful for it.
    I am so sure and am grateful for everything, I will be successful and feel the positive energy within me.
    Lots of love and gratitude

  32. Thank you, thank you, and thank you Awesome AJ for this incredibly awesome step-by-step guide. I am sure everyone who will follow these golden rules will definitely be successful…. Fabulous write up. Marvelous guide. Thank you, thank you, thank you to you AJ and to your entire team in putting this up. Thank you. :)

  33. Thank you AJ.. I have an interview today and the universe sent this blog to me n helped me lift up my confidence.. feeling so good.. wish me good luck.. I am coming back with a offer letter

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